Friday, October 05, 2007

White Giant

Topic: Life

I am waiting for my downloads to finish and I have nothing productive to do. So, here I am left updating my rarely written blog.

The topic is about the current status of my life. I am now in my second-to-the-last semester of my college life in the wonderful course of Mining Engineering. I have already finished four subjects and there are three more subjects to finish. These are the dreaded Geology 194, the neglected EM 198(thesis), and MetE 120 (the subject where I am always absent because of conflicting subjects). Also, I have an SPP report to finish. So, there are a lot of things to do before this tiring semester ends. And there is also the presentations to do before CSIW starts.

Hopefully, I am going to graduate next semester and then start on working outside in the real world. But before I entirely rid myself of college, I have a few projects I want and need to do first.

First among them is to finish my thesis. My thesis is about a common environmental problem in open pit mines called Acid Mine Drainage or in short AMD.

Second project is to finish my Inhinyero commitment to create a CD yearbook.

Third project is to be part of the Camp 2008 core committee to punctuate my PSYSC life.

Last project is an optional one. As I have answered in one of the bonus questions in one of the exams in my Stat 101 class which is "What do you want to do before you graduate?", I want to have a girlfriend first. So I'm starting to create plans on Prospect No. 1 and No. 2 (Although Prospect No. 3 is a bit okay but she's not really my type).

So that's what my current status in life is and what I'm planning to do next semester.

See you around!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Son's force

Topic: Book

8-9 months from now, the 11th and last book of the Sword of Truth series will be out. How will the story end? How will Richard Rahl defeat Emperor Jagang? I just can't wait for it.

(Note: Taken from

Coming Fall 2007

For all of my readers, here is a preview of what is to come.

Descending into darkness, about to be overwhelmed by evil, those people still free are powerless to stop the coming dawn of a savage new world, while Richard faces the guilt of knowing that he must let it happen. Alone, he must bear the weight of a sin he dare not confess to the one person he loves…and has lost.

Join Richard and Kahlan in the concluding novel of one of the most remarkable and memorable journeys ever written. It started with one rule, and will end with the rule of all rules, the rule unwritten, the rule unspoken since the dawn of history.

When next the sun rises, the world will be forever changed.

P.S. The title should have been "On Frocess" but it sounds gay.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Dig Near...

Topic: IRC Channel

Because I'm bored *and she's not replying to my text messages*, I searched the net for e-boo(ks). But since most of them are copyrighted, the best way to get them is through bit-torrent. Too bad, p2p file sharing programs are not allowed in our dorm internet. So, I resorted to IRC. I looked for a channel in the Rizon network which serves e-boo(k) downloading. And look at what I found, a gold deposit of e-boo(ks). If you have been looking for a certain book in bookstores and in the internet for years, this is a good place to try to search that book.

Just go to #bookz at However, I won't teach you how to download stuff from IRC. You have to discover them yourself!

Monday, January 08, 2007

er... grub

Topic: Food

Just recently, I've found a new addiction to eating Wendy's Big Bacon Mushroom Melt Hamburger. I just can't seem to stop craving for it. At least, I still have some control over this addiction. I limit myself to eating at least one per week since it's too freaking expensive! Grrrr!